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Pterodactyl hunting in America


Pterodactyl hunting in America

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It is said that many travelers have come to the American lands at different times with a simple taste for exploration, motivated by the magazines of discoveries around the world and with superhuman courage to go into the jungles, those jungles that Vespucio described as lands of giants, dragons, and cannibals! They were daredevils, no doubt, their unhealthy passion to discover, catalog, illustrate...in other words, to describe what is still considered indescribable, made them take a few scares, some of them did not live to tell the tale, others escaped and managed to write on old restaurant napkins their recent experiences. Fragments are written down on napkins about "Pterodactyl hunting in America " "It was early in the morning, those infamous beasts devour the few cattle we have, they steal them! One by one, they even seem to know how to open the gate...we have tried to poison them, but they are huge! The poison has no effect. We have tried to corral them by baiting them with rotten meat but they are quite intelligent and as soon as they sense us they run away with their nasty wings reminiscent of the vilest Genesis creatures. If we don't at least decrease their population we will be terribly affected, if they succeed in this race, who knows! In the future they will even be considered national animals of some countries in the Americas... we don't know what else to do..." "Three days ago I was on my way to the land of the pastures, south to north through the steep lands of the equator, the temperature was perhaps 2 ° C, the weather conditions are not at all favorable, the Pacific winds rise by the western side of the mountain chain, cooling at 4000 meters above sea level and giving rise to these paramos of exuberant beauty and riches that we could take advantage of if it were not for those infamous beasts. In these volcanic areas of difficult access on horseback or any type of beast, I had an encounter that paralyzed my body, because near some huge rocks I saw in the distance a family of these beings that jealously guard their territory, they seemed calm, I noted the location based on my knowledge in the discipline of geography ... once arrived at the camp we would undertake the largest hunt for monsters that we have done to date!" "Sometimes I think, if those poor beasts had at least some conscience, they would know how to take advantage of the fruits of Eden to benefit the people of these lands abandoned by God and the devil."



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