The Bride of Dracula: Camilla
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February 14th 1931
Tonight, a revelation struck, as sinister as it is enlightening. In the harrowing corners of Castle Dracula, I encountered Camilla, the new bride of the feared undead lord. But the terror she instills is far more profound than the mere dread of vampiric existence. Camilla is a reflection, a dark mirror unveiling the hidden, unspeakable corners of our souls. Each echo of her haunting laughter, each touch of her icy fingers, does not so much signify death but amplifies the eternal dance of human lust and gluttony, the primal sins we endeavor to bury deep within, masked by the thin veil of virtue. Is she, then, truly the monster we fear, or is that monstrous visage the embodiment of our own dark, secret passions?
Amidst the enveloping darkness, one unspeakable question lingers, echoing the dread and allure of our own existence,
Lorraine Hawthorne
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