Test Uaan
Magic Within


Magic Within

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Today, September 21st marks my one-year anniversary in Web3, this is the story of my journey thus far... In a realm where victory was often my song, Embarking on a journey, expecting nothing wrong. Armed with pride and a sense of certainty, Little did I know the depths of my journey. The road ahead seemed so straight, paved for victory. With quick praise and new friends, I was not led astray. Early triumphs whispered sweet melodies in my ear. But soon the sweet music faded, replaced with bearish shadows of fear. The path once bathed in light grew dim. With each empty day, my hope grew slim. Was I not meant for this? Did talent elude? My confidence wavered and my dreams seemed far. Months rolled by, barren and stark. My journey once bright now felt so dark. But then in the distance, a glimmer did show. A beacon of hope, a warm beaming glow. It whispered, "Believe, for you have the creativity, the strength, the spirit, deep within your heart. For in darkness and doubt true courage is seen, and you, dear traveler, are meant for great things." With renewed purpose, I followed that beam, Embracing the light, letting my essence gleam. Rooted, and centered, my path now clear. Embracing my depths, I let go of fear. For now, in this moment, it's bright as the day, I've found myself, and I'm here to stay.



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