Test Uaan
Card XII - The Hanged Man


Card XII - The Hanged Man

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The Hanged Man is the 9th release in the Jawbone Tarot and card XII in the Major Arcana. This card represents a moment of sacrifice or suffering in service of a greater and more precious goal. Occurring midway through the Major Arcana, the Hanged Man symbolizes a turning point – the pivot upon which turns the entire, life-defining journey from material concerns to higher consciousness. Card XII - The Hanged Man is an edition of 69, and is available to allowlisted collectors only for the first 24 hours. After this, any remaining editions will go to public sale. SPECS Format: PNG Dimensions: 4000 x 6000 px Resolution: 300 dpi ABOUT THE PROJECT 
 The Jawbone Tarot is a yearlong creative experiment exploring the aesthetics and lore of tarot cards through the lens of abstract surrealism. One new piece will be made available every Friday throughout 2023, with additional pieces minted to coincide with special dates and events (like the Summer Solstice etc.) The complete Jawbone Tarot will consist of 78 unique cards, with each piece being made available as an edition of 69. EARLY ACCESS Mint this piece and you'll be added to the allowlist for the following release – making it easier to collect a full set. DIAMOND EDITION Anyone who owns all 78 Jawbone Tarot cards as of 1 January 2024 will be able to claim the Diamond Edition: a printed Jawbone Tarot deck in a custom-designed presentation box, complete with a signed commemorative book. CONCEPT & PRACTICE Inspired by the fine-art tarot collections of Salvador DalΓ¬ and Andrea Picini, each Jawbone Tarot piece starts life as a pencil or ink sketch which is scanned, recolored, and digitally manipulated to further randomize both aesthetic and effect. My aim is to balance conscious creative intention with a considered relinquishing of control, increasing the ambiguity of line and form, and making space for unexpected emotional or narrative interpretations.



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