"Solar Symphony: An Eco-Friendly Airship Station"
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"Solar Symphony: An Eco-Friendly Airship Station"
This art piece depicts an airship station designed with a solarpunk aesthetic. The use of natural materials and sustainable energy sources gives the station a clean and eco-friendly look. The intricate details and sleek design of the station are enhanced by the use of cool colors, giving the piece a sense of harmony and balance
image PNG 2304 × 2304 Dpi 300
image can be upscaled for printing on request
non commercial use
Holders of any Sundog artwork get access to his Film Tales of Time token gate on release
This artwork was created in Stable Diffusion Deforum notebook V7, using an init (initial image) made with disco diffusion for the color pallet, an init made with Stable diffusion for the texture, post production was done in Gimp
best regards
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