#3 Sonia 100 Days of NFTs
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When the Cosmic Feminine came into being, she was a part of the Galactic Council. Tasked with mission to fulfill, and it wasn't about creating balance or harmony. It was about creating love and light for all beings in the universe.
Sonia is a lightworker is someone who can tune into the universal frequency and use their energy to bring about change in any situation. They are to be able to channel higher energies or divine force. With an ability teach others what she knew so well herself.
How to love unconditionally, how to forgive easily and completely, how to shed light on the darkness in others' lives. she wanted everyone to feel connected no matter where they lived on this planet or in space itself!
Buy owning this NFT you will begin to experience this love, the more you began to understand their own power as individuals and as members of societies around yourself
You’ll be to be able to use your own energy for healing purposes
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