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1/1 minted by Athena Novo, KnownOrigin, 2022 - 2023 Van Gogh titled it The Bedroom. Simpler. I remember from my childhood seeing different versions of it. Many years later and after a Van Gogh documentary, I sough a combustive combination. I wanted to take bedroom and put it in an imaginary version of the mental asylum at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence where Van Gogh spent time and was very productive. I would use the AI to add various different characters to the bedroom thus making it a room or a world at times. So was born the "Rooms" where besides the opening empty-ish room characters such as Mozart, Freud, politicians, superpowers, MJ, aliens, Stalin and deadly ninjas appear. Room is a Noah's Ark inside the mind of Athena. There is so much here and I'm probably not going to get the most out. I've gone crazy with this project, immersed myself and would love to see you connect with it. Some of you at least.. Be tolerant. Take your time. Collect. Then wait for more. https://opensea.io/collection/rooms-by-athena-novo https://foundation.app/collection/roomsbyathenanovo



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