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Walk Away Kiss in Reddish Black


Walk Away Kiss in Reddish Black

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by Hulki Okan Tabak, 2022, 20 editions minted on KnownOrigin I am sowing the seeds of many stories interwoven most of the time and personal bathed in the sprit of the times less dot more the comma sometimes the sommelier of night with the lexiconic exclamation mark so exits center right jester of the delightful night. Love and Hate, Together and Far Away, Inside and Outside.. Paper thin crossings for big differences.. "Tenderness (and Sometimes a Kiss)" is a collection of visual impulses exploring the moody shores of love, identity and loneliness. Like life, each step taken changes the boundary and thus changes the question after a while. Besides my questionable sentience, the collaborator in this journey is the AI in its various manifestations as it helps to build my imagination with references ranging from Hopper to Ernst. This is some deep rabbit hole and as of the starting day, I'm really not sure how deep should I venture. A lot depends on you I fathom..



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