Stranger in My Home
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1/1 by Hulki Okan Tabak, KnownOrigin, 2022
The moment is such that I want to write a description of 250000 words and most of them would be the same word and most of my life would be the same moment and I look at the artwork and I want to cry and I know perhaps a handful will read this until I die and I want to cry and I want to write and I do something else. Life passes away..
Annus Horibilis (horrible year) where all has gone so hard. These images are a product of that collective memory. Yet they are the memory of a survivor. Thus interlaced with a faint scent of hope, beauty, appeal, allure and enchantment. As horrible slowly but painfully is cast aside, life replaces and mends with art. Such is my commitment, so is my resilience..
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