Test Uaan
S22 #23: Heart's Pride


S22 #23: Heart's Pride

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1/1 minted by Hulki Okan Tabak, KnownOrigin, 2022 S22 is seeded across the intricate veins of a tumultuous September. If ever the future historian makes a single point about me, let this period be called something (where the naming is to be done by such). A period where like Yeats I create in a foreign language that is also mine. A period of loss and hope. A period of change and fear. And fear and change. S22 is form and function intertwined. Driven by words, orchestrated by my volatile gusto and running on artificial intelligence. A collection, a concept, an experiment that will be minted on my beloved NFT platforms as well as to be deployed partly on its own smart contract. My aim is to create 1/1s and 30 piece multi editions with each one at a single point and not differentiating within the project. I will name pieces at will, mints will not follow chronology and where possible bits and pieces of Yeats will show up somewhere textual. Is there a mission here other than trying to surprise and coax the viewer into seeing differently? Hidden beneath is a play on hypermodernism and a juxtaposed jumble of form, function, beauty and modernity. What it shall serve if anything at all is for me to discover as well.



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