Test Uaan
The Attraction of Abundance


The Attraction of Abundance

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I have decided to change my life, in this moment, at this time. I live my life in accordance with the laws of attraction. With all the suffering and sadness inundating the world, I created something for us to focus on. I am not religious, but I remember the strength of the Renaissance angels in past art, it inspired me. I created this piece with thoughts of unconditional love, and abundance. I am not religious, but I am spiritual. In painting this thinking of all of us, we do not need to struggle. I attract abundance, for you, for myself, for all of us. I visualize a world where we can help each other. A world where promises are kept, where we don't have to worry where our next meal comes from, where our medical bills are provided or how we pay our rent. This piece is a blessing, a gift from my heart. A message to all who struggle, if we stand together we will triumph. We attract abundance. We attract prosperity, we will survive, and thrive. NFT Collection of 250 .0111 $ETH



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