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Another Time #41: Xiang with the Laser Beam


Another Time #41: Xiang with the Laser Beam

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Athena Novo, 10 Editions minted, KnownOrigin, 2022 Another Time is a journey in time to a place, to a person and to a time that did not exist. In its dreamy state Another Time talks about women, innocence, beauty and desire in dark glitchy tones often hushed with protagonist revealing less than what they know and can. It is an imaginary AI assisted photographic construct by Athena Novo. It debuts on August 26, 2022 on KnownOrigin. All characters are fictitious and all images are checked with TinEye for originality, any resemblance to a real person is coincidental. Artwork is numbered as to make follow-up easier especially among mints on different platforms in the future. Individual may be titled for the narrative and sometimes named. Some will come as 1/1 and other in editions of 10.



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