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The Phantom City: Parasite


The Phantom City: Parasite

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For the latest exciting drop, start a journey deeper into the beginnings of the Phantom City... and how it came to be... In this uniquely designed and finely illustrated architectural cross section, explore the relationship between life and structure inside the baking husk that is The Phantom City... Like a PARASITE, life clung to whatever it could find... like a desperate choke... and the Phantom City was born. "It is 300 years in the future. The world has changed. Following catastrophic climate change in the 21st century, humanity has been forced to quickly adapt. Millions have died. Those that are left; live in constant peril. Cities are defunct – stagnant ruins in a world poisoned by tribal war lords and barbaric hordes – there are no iPhones, there are no cafes and there is no meta-world – the only thing that matters: survival. In Europe, water is at a premium. Rivers and seas have dried up and the climate is hot, arid and volatile. The atmosphere has changed. The ozone has eroded and oxygen levels are low. It is as though lowland has been placed in the clouds. Across Europe citadels have sprouted from the remnants of the old world. In Madrid, the first Citadel - known as The Phantom City - sprouted from the old Santiago BernabΓ©u stadium. The Citadel grew skywards, a symptom of the need for protection from the outside, on a framework of metalwork and supply pipes. It became a living machine programmed to distribute the necessary means for survival - pure oxygen, energy, food, shelter and water. Its people are suspended within this network, constantly evolving: controlled by thirst, the only currency is fear".



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