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Alien Invasion #39: They Come at Night


Alien Invasion #39: They Come at Night

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Alien Invasion story will end with Mint 52. Up until now, the first 36 artworks were all 10 editions. Now with the last 16 artworks ready to mint, 8 of them including Mint 52 will be 1/1s. Alien Invasion by Athena Novo, 10 Editions, KnownOrigin, 2022 "What we understand from examining the dossiers of the later stages of the Alien Invasion Attempt, the unknown territory seems to have come under multiple attack methods ranging from mind control, missiles, artillery to commandos. It is seen the Earth forces whoever they were about to lose and a major change of course was necessary to stem the advance. Interestingly enough, the so-called nuclear option was to use mind control techniques against the aliens and by doing that it was possible to foster dissent among their ranks. In retrospect, the aliens seem more like us than a hive mind one unscientifically expects most of the time. This species are -were- predators and individualism was predominant among their kind. The Earth Scientist Father as they called him then was able to convince some key leaders, convert them and create an internal rebellion. Pretty much at the last minute, their ranks broke, some ships lost control and there might have been crashes. Eventually given enough internal dispute and potentially some conflict, the invasion was halted. We have no further records to pass judgement on the events that followed. For all the world cares, nothing happened afterwards. For all they care, nothing happened then as well." Theo Kaizenburg, Lead Alien Historian at xxxCLASSIFIEDxxx



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