Test Uaan
The War Ends #31: Exit Stage Right from the Dreaded Battlefield


The War Ends #31: Exit Stage Right from the Dreaded Battlefield

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We destroyed and got destroyed here. Now on our way back home, we have become paper, we have straw giants walking over the death and destruction which we're poised to forget and to live and to repeat and to repeat again. The War Ends. It's always LATE but the war, all wars end. Is it now? Is it for real? Does it still work for you? What about all we lost? What about them? Can there be a winner? Does it matter if the political theorist talk of grand strategy when people fall houses fall memories fall lives fall? Can theories win over life? Can strategy trump a loved one's life? Can you live freely if someone else is not? The War Ends series by Mad Monk, 20 Editions on KnownOrigin, 2022



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