Test Uaan
Hope Is Worthless


Hope Is Worthless

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"HopE iS All wE HAvE." That's such bullshit hahaha, it should be, "All we have is all we have." This is something I’ve realized recently, hope does nothing but set you up for disappointment and take your energy. All we can do is all we can do, and once we’ve done that, what does thinking about it, worrying- hoping- do for you? It doesn’t change the outcome at all, but it forces you out of the present and into worry. We can only control our reactions. We can only control our self. We can’t control anything or anyone else. But we also can’t seem to accept that, so we create hope. “I hope I get the job.” “I hope my team wins.” “I hope this NFT sells…” What does hope do for you in these??? Nothing! What will do something for you is preparing for the interview and making your resume air tight, Staying late after practice to keep training, Or actually promoting your artwork everyday, staying consistent, doing the work. We rely on hope more than our hands. We rely on hope more than our hands. We rely on hope more than our hands. Next time you find yourself in a situation like one of those above, instead of, “I hope…” ask yourself if you’ve done everything you can. If you have, sit back, understand you have no say in the matter anymore, and trust what is meant to come next, will come. Having no control can either be terrifying or completely freeing. Allow yourself to be free, to be present, to relinquish hope. Because after all, hope is really just desire, and desire is the root of all suffering. Do what you can, then kick back and see what hand you’re dealt, but whether or not you hope won’t make any difference in what cards you get.



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