Test Uaan
The Wanderings of Stars | Past

Foundation (FND)

The Wanderings of Stars | Past

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Type: Generative Art + Data Edition: 1/1 from a collection of 3 Size: 3400x3400 Data source: Western constellations & Star data Created: 2021 Looking at the night sky as a sphere with the stars and constellations drawn along the outside, and our Earth a speck in its center. This piece reveals how our current constellations would be pulled apart by the motion of the stars as it rewinds time 400,000 years into the past. The constellations in our sky feel like they are ever constant. However, nature is always changing. The vast distances and timescales of space make the movements of the stars almost imperceptible across generations. However, when viewing them across hundreds of thousands of years, it becomes apparent that our skies can, and have, looked vastly different than they do now. This piece is part of a collection of 3: the past, the "present", and the future.



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