Test Uaan
DEKT - Four of Clubs - @Komachidama

Foundation (FND)

DEKT - Four of Clubs - @Komachidama

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Week 4 - Card 3 By Komachi - The Four of Clubs: This card is a reflection of your dreams and desires. Card 31 in a series of 54. This 1/1 NFT includes an unlockable airdrop from The DEKT Project that can be redeemed for a full physical deck of cards, each made by a unique NFT artist. The full deck can be seen on our discord. These airdrops will continue for the life of the founder @SlashedAce. Every future sale of this NFT of positive value will also receive the airdrop, redeemable for a full deck. The DEKT Project was a collaboration of 54 that went from idea to finished product in six weeks. Full project details and benefits of card ownership can be found on our website at www.gettindekt.com EPOCH: [IXDCXXI]



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