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Network Established / Side B

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Network Established / Side B

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As one of the 8 in 10 people who consume TV content every day in Dakar, Senegal's most populated region, some of my favourite memories with family and friends are set against the backdrop of a TV program. Growing up, I remember the whole family got together every night to catch the telenovela Marimar. As a university professor, my grandfather pretended telenovelas were futile but we often caught him catching a glimpse from his room's window. He was just as engrossed as the rest of us. During the 2002 World Cup group stage match, when Senegal faced its former colonial ruler France, the whole neighbourhood came to the house of the national team's assistant coach to watch the game. He also happened to have the biggest TV in the neighbourhood. Over 100 people all gathered around that one screen and you could hear every breath. The tension was palpable and the eventual win glorious. Music by HOLLY



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