Test Uaan

Foundation (FND)


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Seeing myself giving two emerald stones to a sorceress named Zomorrod Khatun. She is unleashing her magic. I’m hearing her thoughts in my mind. She is promising me that upon my return to the village, the youngest son of the village headman will fall at my feet begging me to marry him. Wait…, she is asking for two jade stones on top of those two emeralds. That’s if I want to be sure of a happy marriage and a healthy child birth. I’ve already given you more than enough. What guarantee is there that I don’t end up dead in a ditch on my way back or that I don’t get possessed by your wicked demons? You have no choice, she whispers. Your life is already under my spell. She’s yelling and screaming, give me your stones or I will take them after I shrink you down to a black octahedron!



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