Test Uaan
Midnight Conversations With Strangers

Foundation (FND)

Midnight Conversations With Strangers

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I am notoriously known in my personal life for getting into all kinds of weird conversations with strangers, no matter the time or place. Some have called it a form of escapism. I shy away from no topic and I have friends from all walks of life, the more interesting or the least interesting, the better. I love meeting people from other countries that I’m not very familiar with and having long detailed talks about what it was like growing up outside of America. Or people who have been alcoholics for the last 40 years. Or murderers and kidnappers. People who are in love or grieving. Truth is... I love talking to everyone. It forces you to realize we are hardly different from one another. I have admittedly put myself in some dangerous positions talking to some sketchy folks, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned how to watch out for myself better and it has all been a learning experience. I didn’t let the few bad people ruin my faith in the entire flock, ya know what I mean.



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