Test Uaan
The Rise

Foundation (FND)

The Rise

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There's something beautiful about rising after falling for the most number of times, not because there is hope but there is belief, trust and courage. Eventually we reach a point of life where patience, co-existence and peace becomes the most important assets and we don't want to lose them for anything in the world. This is when you truly rise above all, this is when you realize that your journey was supposed to begin for the betterment of your highest good. The time is now for you to rise and help others rise, this is how you make the world a better place. Begin to be kind. Begin to know compassion. Begin to spread love. Here's to a good start that will never see the end because your true legacy will make you remembered forever and there will be innumerable souls taking your light forward to many more. The universe is a beautiful experience. Are you ready to make it even more beautiful by making a choice to be truly human? The time to rise, is NOW! Dimensions: 1566 × 1174



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