Test Uaan
Kaleidoscopic Living

Foundation (FND)

Kaleidoscopic Living

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It was back in August 2015 when I moved to China to teach English that my photography journey began, and it was here that I truly got a taste for the sheer size of this country’s monolithic cities. Living in a high-rise building in central Chongqing gave me a whole new perspective on city life, and left me feeling wonderfully isolated from the hustle and bustle of the sprawling metropolis below. As I continued down the photography rabbit hole, I became increasingly keen on documenting the country’s wildly ambitious architectural projects. In mid-2019, I found myself with a week to spare between client projects, and so returned to China for a weeklong trip through Guiyang, where I stumbled upon this kaleidoscopic apartment block on the outskirts of the city.



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